Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Method #6:You too can Youtube

Teachertube is a good resource for some of our patrons who are teachers or teachers in training. The videos were interesting, but some had technical problems in that they stopped frequently and then restarted. Youtube worked well and offered some great ideas. One was a library tour in Britain, another a progression from Manchester to Oxford which was well presented and coordinated the music with the labeled photos.
I can see the value of using videos in our publications, since I am always arrested in surfing the net by movement rather than a static photo. One problem was that I was unable to embed a video in the blog. I did not find the icon. Another member of our library had the same difficulty. We will try to work out what happened and try again.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there, you were definitely not the only one to have trouble embedding a video into your blog. I am going to try to improve my instructions on that for people who are just now getting to Method 6. But just FYI, in the future, in case you are using blogger and want to embed a video, the trick is that while you are in the "new post" mode, you need to click on the "edit html" tab and paste the embed code in there. Then, save the post and you will see that the video is now embedded in the post. You can then edit the post and add additional text before or after the video. :-) Best, Naomi
